
Terms & Rules

By using this website (the "site"), you agree that you'll follow these rules, and understand that if we reasonably think you haven't followed these rules, we may (at our own discretion) terminate your access to the site and delete the content you created.


この Web サイト (「サイト」) を使用することにより、お客様はこれらのルールに従うことに同意し、お客様がこれらのルールに従っていないと合理的に判断した場合、当社が (独自の裁量で) サイトへのアクセスを終了する場合があることを理解するものとします。 作成したコンテンツを削除します。

Global Rules

  • You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.
  • In order to view any content on this site, you must of legal age(>18) to view adult material in your country, state, or province of residence.
  • Do not flood or spam the boards with images.
  • Do not post, request, or link to any illegal content; the staff will make judgments accordingly. Examples include Child Pornography (any pornography with someone who is 17 or younger), revenge porn, and Illegal copies of copyrighted content (this includes download links too). Violators will be permanently banned.
  • Do not post off topic replies, or create threads that are not about the board’s subject.
  • Do not post pornographic materials, or images that would be not be considered appropriate on the worksafe boards. The staff will decide what is considered worksafe, violating posts will be deleted. Worksafe boards are not guaranteed to be safe for work.